Friday, May 28, 2010

Full Steam Ahead!

I fell in love with the spectacular Katinka Clockworks Gown from The Laughing Academy the first time I saw it.  Like virtually everything in the SL Steampunk arena, the details are simply amazing from top to bottom, the colors are rich and there is a lovely little keyhole in the back to complement the bodice gears on the front.  Paired with the equally amazing Vapor Vanity heels from Grim Bros (with working gears), this outfit was begging for a trip to the Caledon Victorian Steampunk sims and, in this case, The Primgraph Press where you can peruse the books or lounge on the chaises and scheme (the pose names are more than enough reason to drop in here). (Credits after the cut)

Location: The Primgraph Press, Caledon Glengarry

Friday, May 21, 2010

Save the Earth - Bit By Bit

Cisco Systems is one of the large technology firms represented in Second Life with demos, virtual classrooms, technology feeds and information.  The Sustainability Center focuses on green computing, offices and data centers and has interactive demos, tours, videos and notecards galore outlining all the ways technology can support green initiatives.  It also seemed an ideal setting for the fabulous "business with a punch" Ilenya dress from the Glam Affair Element Collection and the equally amazing Chandraki necklace and earrings from EarthStones.

Top Photo:
Hair:  Cake Dakota (Black)
Skin: Dutch Touch Jolie (Olive - Dark)
Eyes:  Poetic Eyes Bright (Fairy Dale)
Jewelry: Earthstones Chandraki (Silver/Onyx)
Outfit: Glam Affair Element Ilenya

Bottom Photo:
Outfit: Glam Affair Element Ilenya
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Bare Ava (Black)
Poses: AnnaH (now Storin)

Featured SLURLs:
Glam Affair Mainstore
Cake Mainstore
EarthStones Mainstore

Saturday, May 15, 2010

C-Beams Glitter

Science Innovation Company is a Blade Runner themed sim - perfect for your cybertech wardrobe and, in this case, the perfect setting for my newest latex cybersuit from Graves. Replicants and humans alike can enjoy the noir atmosphere of the Philip K. Dick and Ridley Scott inspired Los Angeles streets of the distant (or perhaps not so distant) future.

Location: Science Innovation Company (SIC)

Top Photo:
Outfit: Graves Escape (Steel)
Hair: Bishwear TossMeAround (Raven)
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Bare Lucille (Black)
Skin: Dutch Touch Jolie (Olive - Dark)
Nails: Love Soul Colors (Black)