Saturday, May 15, 2010

C-Beams Glitter

Science Innovation Company is a Blade Runner themed sim - perfect for your cybertech wardrobe and, in this case, the perfect setting for my newest latex cybersuit from Graves. Replicants and humans alike can enjoy the noir atmosphere of the Philip K. Dick and Ridley Scott inspired Los Angeles streets of the distant (or perhaps not so distant) future.

Location: Science Innovation Company (SIC)

Top Photo:
Outfit: Graves Escape (Steel)
Hair: Bishwear TossMeAround (Raven)
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Bare Lucille (Black)
Skin: Dutch Touch Jolie (Olive - Dark)
Nails: Love Soul Colors (Black)

Lower Photo:
Outfit: Graves Escape Add-On (Transparent)
Tattoo: HUZ Henna Secret (Black Faded)

Featured SLURLs:

1 comment:

ToBe Beck said...

What an interesting sim... after visiting it I feel like I want to watch Blade Runner again...