One of the the sims that everyone should be required to visit in Second Life is the beautiful, mystical and utterly entrancing Pteron. As you enter, you have a choice of going to several different sattelite locations on the sim, each a world unto itself. It does not do the build justice to call it a floating city, though that will be a visitor's first impression. Make sure that your sound is on and prepare to be amazed (and to spend an incredible amount of time exploring). I took a futuristic look at the sim, courtesy of Hugo's Design, Emo-tion, Mandala and Stiletto Moody, but for a different approach, be sure to see the impressions of a
Steam Wyrmling and a
Neko Princess as they travel through Pteron.
Pteron, Pteron
Hair: Emo-tions Stormy (Black)
Catsuit: Hugo's Design Solar Cat (Black)
Jewelry: Mandala Takara Bangles, Takayama Necklace, Monica Earrings (Silver/Black)
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Lucille (Black)
Face Tattoo: Miamai LesMakeups (Masked 04)
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As always you manage to turn the ambiance of a sim into a description followed by your style and fashion that leaves me behind with a feeling that I got just the right mood the sim wants to express. Thank you Trib :-)
Retribution, thanks kindly for the link to my blog! It's high time I revisit Pteron... excellent blog post and reminder. ^_^
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