Thursday, August 19, 2010

...we are pulse of pteron...

One of the the sims that everyone should be required to visit in Second Life is the beautiful, mystical and utterly entrancing Pteron.  As you enter, you have a choice of going to several different sattelite locations on the sim, each a world unto itself.  It does not do the build justice to call it a floating city, though that will be a visitor's first impression.  Make sure that your sound is on and prepare to be amazed (and to spend an incredible amount of time exploring).  I took a futuristic look at the sim, courtesy of Hugo's Design, Emo-tion, Mandala and Stiletto Moody, but for a different approach, be sure to see the impressions of a Steam Wyrmling and a Neko Princess as they travel through Pteron.

Location:  Pteron, Pteron

Hair: Emo-tions Stormy (Black)
Catsuit: Hugo's Design Solar Cat (Black)
Jewelry: Mandala Takara Bangles, Takayama Necklace, Monica Earrings (Silver/Black)
Shoes: Stiletto Moody Lucille (Black)
Face Tattoo: Miamai LesMakeups (Masked 04)

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ToBe Beck said...

As always you manage to turn the ambiance of a sim into a description followed by your style and fashion that leaves me behind with a feeling that I got just the right mood the sim wants to express. Thank you Trib :-)

Anonymous said...

Retribution, thanks kindly for the link to my blog! It's high time I revisit Pteron... excellent blog post and reminder. ^_^