Saturday, October 2, 2010

Contest Entry - My Precious Queen

A friend sent me this contest information and a gift card some time ago, eliminating all possible barriers to entering this contest.  Unfortunately, while I went and bought an absolutely gorgeous gown, work buried me and I just now managed to get enough studio time to do the photographs and submit my entry into the Agnes Finney My Precious Queen Contest.  The year is divided into two halves and four themes (the seasons) with three princesses chosen each month to compete for 12 finalists slots.

Dress - Agnes Dazzle (Black)
Jewelry - Alienbear KrisCar II (White)
Hair - Sky Everett Lady Alanya (Black)
Pose by Manifeste

Featured SLURLs:
Agnes Finney My Precious Mainstore

What do you need to do to join each month's selection?
Step 1. Make purchases of:
- any items created by Agnes Finney. (Items that are marked 0L-10L are not counted.)
Different gown/ outfit have to be used when you are joining different month's selection. That is, no gowns should be repeated in your entries throughout the year. Different color of the same design is accepted though.
Step 2. Requirement of the pictures: (For your own reference:
-Take two pictures (Head shot and full body shot, 1024x 1024) with full perm
-Put the full perm pictures into a folder. Rename the folder as "MP Royal Princess+January+your full name." No need to put any words in the pictures.
- My Precious stores may post your pictures in advertising or on the blog. Any fees associated with the entry pictures must be paid by the entrant and will not be paid by My Precious stores. Please learn about the possible charges for which you will be responsible from those requiring additional payment for commercial use of a photograph they made for you.
Theme of the pictures:
Jan-Mar Princess selection: Spring
Apr-Jun Princess selection: Summer
Jul-Sep Princess selectoin: Autumn
Oct-Dec Princess selection: Winter
-If you want to wear any jewelry, please wear jewelry ONLY made by Alienbear Design. It could be just a pair of earrings or a necklace. It's your choice.
-Rename the folder as “MP Royal Princess + Month + your full name”
(Your entry will be ignored if you send us a notecard instead of a folder.)
The pictures to present the outfit and yourself as a queen. Touch-up with Photoshop is acceptable. :-) Send the pictures to Agnes Finney on or before 12th (midnight) of each month.
Step 3. It would be safe if you could notify me by IM after you send the folder. I will put the pictures up in the display area within 3 days and notify you about that. If you don't get my IM in 3 days, please IM again. :)
Step 4. Announcement of the in-store models, winners of MP Royal Princess will be made thru group notice and our blog. Therefore it is important if you stay in the group for updates.
Step 5. Contact Agnes Finney if you have any queries.

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