Friday, July 25, 2008

Dollz Magazine - Doll of the Month Contest

I have a photograph entered in the Dollz Magazine September '08 Doll of the Month contest and would love to have y'all drop me a vote or two if you get a chance. From my (hopefully tasteful)notecard:

A couple of folks asked for the short version, so...
1. Go here - Dollz Magazine, The Hamptons (138, 199, 25)
2. Vote for me (just the L$1 vote, please)
3. Repeat daily (or as often as you feel like)
Or read on for details:

Yes, I entered another contest - unfortunately (or fortunately, not sure which) this one is a voting contest. The bad news is that it is two tiered voting - every "real" vote (meaning each avatar) counts as one but costs a Linden. The second tier is, of course, total Lindens. Please do *not* feel like you need to throw Lindens at my entry, OK? I entered for kicks and to see how this type of contest works - blog fodder and all that. :)
Note - individual avatar votes appear to count higher than L$ votes and you can vote daily (I think), so go cheap, but go often. ;)
Of course, gotta throw in some details for you - I'm wearing a 1940's vintage Hollywood mermaid gown (no, it's not a wedding dress - I knew I should have gone for the cigarette holder and a Dietrich look....) from A Piece of Candy, hair by Detour (Writer in Burgundy) and photos taken at Fross Maruti's Free Photography Studio using a Photosphere. I'll blog the full outfit so you can see the rest of the dress as well.
The contest is for the Dollz Magazine September "Doll of the Month" contest and the prize is a photo shoot, L$25K and a magazine spread in Dollz Magazine. Anyway, here's the landmark and thanks! (Oh, and feel free to vote for another entrant if you would like - there are some great pictures up on the wall.)

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