Thursday, July 10, 2008

Grand Moving! NewbieDoo

I know I've mentioned my friends Suzette and Keeba of NewbieDoo as the proprietresses of the best new resident oriented shop in SL as well as the creators of the fabulous leather ballerina dress from the JCNY Model'Fest. Well, they have just recently moved from their Fable location to a gorgeous new home at Brikell. The store will be familiar to those who have had the pleasure of stumbling upon it in an attempt to de-noobify and a great experience for new shoppers.

The prices are reasonable, the atmosphere is friendly and, most importantly, folks have and take the time to answer all those questions like "Why do I have a box on my hand?" and "Should hair have gaping chunks of scalp showing?". Never been? Thinking you should? Still not convinced? Well, apparently NewbieDoo had a mystery shopper who reviewed the store on YouTube, so you can take a virtual tour of the previous Fable store before you teleport over to the new digs.

The picture is of Keeba at the new sim while folks were furiously building and discussing the relative merits of butterflies vs. frogs in the fountain. Well, they were building, I was watching visions emerge. The paint is still wet, the landscaping is evolving, but NewbieDoo is definitely open for business, so pass a landmark on to a new resident and make SL a prettier place. ;)

Drop by and say hello at the (still under some construction) NewbieDoo Store at Brickell!

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