Thursday, July 17, 2008

Inventory Tips - Clothing Pt. 1

Earlier this evening, I was complaining about my ever burgeoning inventory, my clothing addiction and what a mess I'd be in if I hadn't started organizing my SL closet early on. Well, a friend suggested that it might be a good topic for a series of blog posts. One thing led to another and a couple of beers later I had planned out a couple of posts in my head, so here we are. Now, if your inventory is perfectly conditioned or only consists of jeans and t-shirts, skip this post and pop back in this weekend for my Shoe Fair purchases. If, however, your closet looks a lot like the grab boxes at the swap meet or the new donations area at the Goodwill, read on - hopefully, you will find something useful.
I'm going to start with the biggest topic for me, Clothing. Which is actually broken down into a series of subcategories that I'm going to cover in sections. My first four subfolders are *Blog*, *Demos*, *Group Gifts* and *New Stuff* - the asterisks force these folders to the top of the list so they are easy to find. Blog and Group Gifts are specific to the things I cover in the blog and my monthly group gift post - once I finish with them, I sort them into "long term" folders after I add the letter B (for Blogged) to the end of the outfit folder name.
New Stuff is things that I've not tried on yet, Demos holds both demos I've picked up and review copies I've been sent. I'm brutal with these two. If it's not right, it's not right and it's never going to be suddenly right. I don't care if it was expensive or great in the ad or almost right - there's too much perfect out there to clutter your SL with near misses. Delete and don't look back. New Stuff and review copies that I'm blogging usually go in the Blog folder next before moving into permanent folders. Clothing demos that I am positive I am going to purchase get their folders renamed with a B (this time for Buy) and then deleted when I actually make the purchase. This has a double function as a shopping list (for things you can buy now) and a wish list (for big or future purchases).
In the next inventory post, I'll do a high level overview of the keeper clothing folders and follow up with details on the different subcategories. Oh and the photos are completely gratuitous - I just couldn't have a clothing post without clothes. The first is HSC's Red Rum Gown, the second is Slinked's Skull Jacket tattoo paired with Insolence's Melanie (Red) and Maitreya's Verve Pumps (Red).

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