Saturday, February 16, 2008

Apple May - Tedious Skirt

In the mood for a terrific casual skirt that will show off your legs? Apple May Designs does great outfits and I find myself pulling out the skirts to match with all sorts of tops. They will also let you wear your highest heels, though I admit to an addiction to ankle boots. This skirt is one of my favorites with the understated belt and detail lace paired with a black and red tartan that will turn heads.

The outfit comes in red, black, blue and brown and includes the skirt, sweater, cuffs and collar. I did have a bit of trouble mixing reds when pairing it with tops from other designers (it is a very deep rich red) but if you go for a black or white top, you can step out with confidence. The outfit is no transfer (not that you would ever give it up) and comes with a smart skirt to reduce those awkward sitting moments. At $L 195, take two - you'll return to this skirt time and time again.

You can pick up all the clothes shown at Apple May Designs & Mall.

On the left:
Top - Apple May Study Shirt
Skirt - Apple May Tedious

On the right:
Outfit - Tedious (red) by Apple May Designs
Boots - Thetis by Dark Eden

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