Monday, August 25, 2008

Hair Fair '08 - A Perfect SLag Guide (Pt. 1)

I knew I was going to have to go to Hair Fair 2008 and I knew I was going to get scooped by every blogger on the planet who was insane enough to brave the early lag. I tried, I really did. But there's just nothing fun to me about standing and waiting for stuff to rez and then still not being sure it's all there before slingshotting through molasses to the next booth. So, I waited. For those of you that did the same, welcome to my guide to the Hair Fair, including sim specific SLURLs, pictures, must have freebies, tips and tricks.

I started at the Pink Sim since that was the only sim-specific LM I had at the outset - when you first teleport in, step aside (to avoid other folks landing on your head) and wait - I swear there is a sim there. Don't head off yet - there are things you *need* here - like the designer list and map of the sim. These will be on the board nearby, which also allows you to TP within that sim to points near each of the stall sections. If you are just coming for specific designers or to buy something you didn't earlier, by all means, use the TP links - otherwise, I found them more trouble than they were worth. Just open your sim map texture and designer list and fly. For the more methodical and curious, pick a starting point and surf the whole sim from the air and please, remove your various attachments and ultra primmy accessories. No one is ever gonna see you as more than a grey blob anyway. ;)
Many of the booths have freebies and, if you are like me, you will wind up grabbing a ton of demos as well. For purchasing, look closely at the styles marked with the 50% (or higher) signs as those are the ones where a portion of your purchase goes to Locks of Love - the charity benefiting from the event. Please don't try on your demos at the fair - buy 'em, go somewhere quiet and lag free later, try 'em and go back with a purpose. Remember, you have your designer list and sim maps, so easy enough to do - just make your notes on your designer list notecard, which is conveniently listed both alphabetically and by booth number within the sim. I was lucky enough to go at a (relatively) low volume period, so I did all four sims in a row - otherwise, I'd recommend one per day for your sanity. You do have until September 7th, after all.
Next installments - more pictures, more credits, more tips and more rambling plus an assortment of bandanas. Today's taxis are to the individual color sims, all the photos are of freebies available at Hair Fair 2008.
Sim Specific Landmarks:
Pink Sim - Rezzable Explore
Purple Sim - Rezzable Design
Red Sim - Rezzable Create
Orange Sim - Rezzable Discover
Top left - Roflcopter by LaynieWear
Center right (clockwise from upper left)
Eve GenII by by Tekeli-li
Emoh by Bryce Designs
Twin Tail by BP
Sandy by Kiss
Lower left - Tree Hair by Curious Kitties


Anonymous said...

You are awesome. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love all of those hairs! I got each one. Some of them are just fantastic, truly a generous gift from all the designers - makes them memorable for future times. Also I am so happy about the Locks of Love charity they raised a lot of money!