Monday, August 4, 2008

Update - Dollz Magazine Contest

My apologies to all of you who have been trying to vote for me in the Doll of the Month contest, but the magazine has been relocating to a new sim and then the LM that was sent wouldn't let you in the door, LOL! The new landmark works, so here's a brief summary of the full previous post:

1. Go here - Dollz Magazine
2. Vote for me (please, just the L$1 vote)
3. Rinse and repeat (you can vote daily)
Thanks much! So far this contest (which is the first voting one I've done) has been a bit wonky with all the sim moves, but we'll see how it goes now that they are settled in permanent home. Seems like everyone is moving these days - I've been updating landmarks like crazy. Must be an end of summer thing, eh?

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